Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Recording Playing in Your Mind - Pt. 1

Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.” - Santiago Ramón y Cajal

If you are like most people, you have something playing in their ears or motivating you while you work out. It could be music, podcasts, encouraging speeches, or just your thoughts pushing you and motivating you throughout your workout. I know for me, what I listen to during my workouts deeply impacts my performance and contributes greatly to what I get out of it. Having something motivating playing in my ears while running makes the process just a bit more tolerable for me. I sometimes watch other people at the gym or out jogging without headphones or earbuds and wonder what thoughts are going through their minds or what are they thinking about to motivate them? Are they speaking positive affirmations and motivational words to themselves, or are their insecurities allowing them to doubt themselves and think negative things that will prevent them from coming back to the gym the next day?

I used to take my mom to the gym to exercise with me a few years back. We would be on our treadmills and I would offer her my extra set of earbuds so that she could listen to one of the televisions hanging in the gym. Surprisingly, she would never use them during her 30-45 minute walk on the treadmill and I would think to myself, “how does she get through her workout in silence? What is she saying in her mind to get her through her 30-45 minute walk?” I am not sure if it was more for my sanity or hers but I would explain to her how much easier and tolerable the workouts would be if she had the right distraction playing in her ears to make the time pass. Either way, she pressed on and got through it in her own way. 

As we go through life, it is important to be intentional about the thoughts that we allow to enter our brains. Just like we chose the right music to help motivate us during our workouts, what we focus on and allow to replay over and over in our brain matters. The bible says in Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.” The thoughts, views, and perspectives that enter into our minds determine our reality. The good thing about this is that you have the power to redirect your reality by changing what you allow to play in your mind. Neuroscientist and author, Dr. Carol Leaf put it this way, “When you think, you build thoughts, and these become physical substances in the brain.”

What recordings have you allowed to play and take root in your mind? Self-doubt? Self-devastation? Self-destruction? Self-sabotage? Low self-worth? If taken regularly, all of these thoughts are lethal to the mind. And just like medication, we take in these toxic thoughts, absorb them, and allow them to manifest inside of us. Psalms 119:15 says, “I will meditate on your laws and your ways and find my happiness in them. I will continually regard them and refer to them as the guide for my life.” Good or bad, we are what we eat, better yet, we are what we think. When we consume negative thoughts we produce negative talk. When we take in negative opinions and perceptions fed to us by others, doubt begins to manifest inside us and destroy any attempt to ever succeed. The vision that we have for our lives is first conceived in our minds, carried in our words, and then birth through our actions. So remember, words are powerful weapons; they can be used to help us or destroy us.

Philanthropist, businessman, and author, W. Clement Stone said, “We are all products of our environment.” Although that is true, I also believe that we are a product of our minds. We exist in our environment but we live in our minds. Everything that happens around us is taken into the mind before it becomes an action. When we absorb and cloud our mind with unhealthy noise, it can detour, distract and detain us from ever accomplishing anything great that God has planned for our lives. Quickly change the recording from the lies and deception to the truth that you know deep down about yourself and what God has already validated you to become. And on those days when you still feel doubtful and insecure in your attempts to succeed, be confident anyway. Everyone will think that you are the best thing since wifi and the only person who knows otherwise is you. 

These days everyone has something playing in their earbuds, AirPods, or headphones, why not make it something that not only motivates your body but your soul as well. Tune into the right recording by affirming yourself this week:

“I am lovable because God loves me.” Eph. 2:2-4 ESV
“I am valuable because God values me.” Col. 1:12-14 ESV
“I am capable because God empowers me.” Phill. 4:13 ESV
“I am acceptable because God chose me.” Eph. 1:3-4 ESV
“I have purpose because God gifted me.” Eph. 2:10 ESV
“I am forgiven because God covers me.” Ps. 32:1-5
“I am not condemned because God has redeemed me.” Rom. 8:31-34
“I can not be conquered because God rescued me.” Rom. 35-39
“I can be changed because God lives in me.” 1 Cor. 6:19-20
“I am esteemed because God takes pride in me.” Zeph. 3:17-19

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